Looking for a new job?

Your job search expenses may be tax deductible.If you’re remaining in the same industry and typically claim enough deductions to file a Schedule A, you may include some of your search expenses as a miscellaneous deduction. Note, though, you won’t be eligible if this search involves your first job, if you’re changing fields or if your last job was a long time ago.Deductible items include:

  • The cost of preparing and mailing your résumé
  • Travel expenses to interviews
  • Agency placement fees to help you find work

Your expenses must be out-of-pocket. If they’re reimbursed by the company hosting your interview, you’re not eligible for the tax break.Happy hunting!  If you need an accountant to assist you with this deduction and others, the staff at Patrick & Robinson CPAs is always happy to help.Contact us at Office@CPAsite.com or 904-396-5400.


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