Patrick and Robinson CPAs wishes you and your loved ones a blessed day with love, laughter, and plenty to eat.Of course we also thank God for all our blessings, especially the privilege of living in a country that recognizes the importance of giving thanks…and designates a holiday to celebrate our gratitude. We say a special prayer for our Servicemen and women who can’t be with their families right now and wish them Godspeed in their mission and eventual journey home.We'd also like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to you, our friends, for your patronage, your support, and your ongoing friendship.  We couldn’t do it without you!We will be closed on Thursday and Friday as we spend time with our families, but will be back in the office bright and early Monday morning.  It’s time for tax planning, so let us know if we can help.


Avoid the Tax Penalty Headache


Stop Paying all that Self-Employment Tax!