Changing Your Name May Delay Your Tax Refund

If you, or someone listed on your income tax return, undertook a name change last year, your tax refund may be impacted. If the records at the Social Security Administration (SSA) don’t match the names listed on your tax return, your refund could be delayed. Here are some points to note:

  • If you changed your name because you married or divorced, or you opted to add a hyphen, notify the SSA as soon as possible.
  • If you adopted a child who currently uses your last name, notify the SSA. If the adoption remains pending and your child doesn’t yet have a Social Security number, apply for a temporary Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number on Form W-7A.
  • Apply for a new Social Security card by completing a fillable Form SS-5 online, or request one by calling the SSA at 800-772-1213.

The IRS also offers videos in English, Spanish, and ASL for taxpayers who change their name due to marriage or divorce.If you engage a tax preparation service, remember to include appropriate documentation to support your income tax return; certified public accountants and enrolled agents must follow a strict code.For tax accounting assistance you can depend on, Patrick & Robinson CPAs maintains a proven record of consistent, dependable service. Contact us at or 904-396-5400.


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